Friday 6 May 2011

Japanese Village on the hill

After having our so-called afternoon tea at Colmar Tropicale, we head to the Japanese Village hoping that it has more to offer. We need to drive from Colmar Tropicale to the Japanese Village. When we reach a guard house near the entrance, the guard told us that we have to park our car there and walk up the village. It is almost a 30 degrees climb for 300 metres ... trust me this is really not funny, especially after paying $10 per pax and the fact that I'm on my heels.

Anyway after the steep climb, the first sign that greeted us is this 'The World's first Japanese Tea House in the Tropical Forest'. I'm thinking that we Malaysians really like to claim being the first, the best. Just imagine having claims like this being taken seriously, there'll be like a lot of 'the world's first'. You know the first in a meditteranean forest, the first in swamp forest, the first in here and there ... hmmm, just a very tricky claim, don't you think?
So anyway, this place is better than Colmar Tropicale. The tropical forest environment does have its charm. The sound of the forest is just very soothing and peaceful. I think this is probably the first time I'm in a tropical forest without having to hike. They build the 'Japanese village' in such a way that they try to minimise chopping down the forest.The only let-down is the Tea House. You see, my middle eastern guest is actually very into the eastern tea ceremony. To him, it presents the lady in the most seductive and submissive manner (Ok feminists, don't yell at me please) and so we thought we will be able to let him experience it here. But as we reached the tea house, there is a not-at-all japanese looking waitress trying very hard to wear her kimono and this is really a turn-off sight. Not to mention, we saw boxes and boxes of green teas that you can find in the supermarket at the counter. WTF? Obviously we did not bother to go in at all.

And then, as we're heading down the hill, we found the Botanical Garden and decided to lead our guest there. Thank God being middle easterns who live in desert, flora and fauna seems to amaze them. So, here are some picture I took of some of the beautiful flowers there.

For those who are interested to be near nature, to have a few quiet days in the middle of a cooling tropical forest, but yet can be at the city within an hour if need to, you can actually stay in some of their tatami suite at the Japanese Village. I can imagine it must be quite relaxing.

Location : Berjaya Hills, Malaysia

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