Friday 18 February 2011

The happiest place on earth

Obviously anyone would have guessed the place I'm about to blog solely from the title right? Yeah, I must be the most predictable blogger. I'm no mystery thriller writer, merely noting my travelling and indeed the first thing that came into my mind for the title is 'happiest place on earth'. OK OK, I'll say it ... its Disneyland.

There are a total of 5 Disneyland parks at this moment; 2 in the United States, 1 in Paris, 1 in Tokyo and 1 in Hong Kong. OK, confession time again. I told everyone that I'm fulfilling my son's dream to come here but really it is to fulfilled mine. You see, when I was a kid, we Asians mostly can only experience Disneyland from the TV screen. We see Mickey shaking hands, dancing and parading with the kids and secretly wish we are the one to do that. Now that they have built 2 Disneylands in Asia, the younger generation Asian kids are much luckier. Its no longer a dream, it's mostly "I want to go there." So before I lie in my dead bed wondering how come I never did go to Disneyland, I make that dream come true.

So, Disneyland here I come! We choose to travel in December as we thought the Christmas decoration would add more colours and festive to the park. Plus of course, my son's birthday is in December and we told him it's his birthday present.
So, here are the 3 things you need to have before getting in Disneyland.
1. The Guide Map - So you know what you get to see and ride and where it is;
2. The Time Guide - So you plan your time wisely and will not missed out on some of their must see programmes;
3. The Ticket - So you get to go in ... duh.

Although I have been to a lot of theme parks such as Warner's Brothers, Universal Studio or the like, somehow Disneyland still manages to put me in the such an excitement and happy mood. Even before we arrived at the park, we are already experiencing the power of the mouse. This is the handle in the fast train to Disneyland. Cute!

We will both meet Mickey for the first time
This is it! The entrance to Disneyland Hong Kong. Hi Mickey, Hi Mickey!
This is the main train station where you can catch a train that goes round the park. See Mickey's face on the lawn?  So cute.
OK, some of the stuff you get to see at the main street. This is  a bakery.
Do you know that Disney launch a new bear called Duffy? This is the house of Duffy although I'm too tired to queue for a picture with the bear. Will explain later.
Me and my son, two very happy people goofing around the main street. "We're in Disneyland!"
True to our expectation, because it is Christmas, Disneyland build an extra structure named "Gingerbread Village'. This you will not get to see again cause they will tear it down and build something new next year. Looks yummy!

Is this Daisy's house?
And of course, during Christmas, they have the 'Let it snow Christmas Parade'. People are already sitting by the sidewalk waiting for the parade that will not even start for another half an hour.

Let it snow Christmas Parade, Disneyland Hong Kong, Dec 2010

OK about the queuing part. Frankly in comparison to a lot of other theme parks, I think queue to take rides in Disneyland Hong Kong is considered to be very fast. Average queue for a ride is about 10 - 15 mins. Unbelievable right? So where did all the people gone to? They have all gone to queue to take pictures with the characters! In the Times Guide, they actually list down where and when you get to meet and greet with Mickey and the gang or the princesses. So people all start queuing way before the character comes out. This is really not so fun. I would like to suddenly stumble upon Mickey or Goofy or Snow White while walking around Disneyland, don't you think that is more dreamlike?

And of course for Mickey and Minnie, they are perpetually stationed at a spot whole day just greeting people, shaking their hands, taking pictures. Even that, the queue to take a picture with them is 1 HOUR and apparently I'm lucky. I heard from friends that they have queue for 2 HOURS. OMG! This is me queuing while my hubby took a seat and we took turns.

There you go, after queuing for 1 hour, we finally get to shake hands with Mickey and Minnie and take a lousy photo. So much for the dream come true ... And so, we skip all the rest of the character like Goofy or Duffy or any of the princesses.

Well, let's see if you get any hint from this picture of what I'm about to blog for the next 3 weeks.

Location : Hong Kong