Friday 27 April 2012

The hilltop Montmartre

I know very little of Montmartre but took the Metro here nonetheless to see one of the most beautiful church in Paris.

Turns out this little village that sits on top of the hill is very charming and beautiful.

The village is almost completely covered in cobblestones. The streets are winding and ascending and takes a lot of energy to climb your way up. That though didn't take away the joy and excitement to see this side of Paris that is to me very quintessentially France.

Most surprising is of course the spectacular view that the top of the hill offers - the Paris skyline!

The star attraction of Montmartre in none other than the Sacre Coeur Basilica.

Two catholic businessmen made a private religious vow to build a church dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Christ should France be sparred the impending Prussian onslaught. In 1875, Sacre Coeur Basilica begins to be build.

The statue of Joan of Arc.

The Ovoid Dome is the second highest point in Paris after Eiffel Tower.

Visitors are not allow to take picture inside but I still remember how my mouth just went agape when I entered the church. The huge mosaic ceiling of Christ with open arms just engulfed me entirely. I feel like I have come face-to-face with Jesus and he is looking directly at me. Definitely a must visit.

Still looking magnificient and huge from far away.

Mime artist in all white looking almost like a statue
You know in every city, there is a place where all the artists congregate to display their art and crafts and talent. Place du Tertre in Paris is this place as in Convent Garden in London. 

Located right behind the Sacre Coeur Basilica, all visitors that comes to Montmartre will definitely stop by in Place du Tertre. Well if you don't, then they will make sure you do. The moment I walked towards the square, sketch artists run rampant approaching visitors to let them sketch their portrait, of course at a fee.

"Mademoiselle, mademoiselle, your face is so beautiful. Let me sketch you." OK, it was quite good for ego boosting for awhile until they follow you everywhere; it became annoying after awhile. Otherwise, having French artists telling you your face is beautiful is always welcome.

Another mime artist. 

Place du Tertre

Location : Montmartre, Paris, France.