Tuesday 15 June 2010

I float on the Dead Sea

No, I did not die and float on the sea and then live to blog about it. On the contrary, I was transported to heaven or near heaven! From Jerash, we head west to the Jordan Valley. From the sound of it, you'll conjured up the image of an oasis with beautiful flora and fauna in the middle of the desert right? Yes, that's what they have here and more!

I know I probably will not make it to the highest point on earth which is the Mt Everest but guess what? I made it to the lowest point on earth and do it with style!

I checked into the Marriot Hotel & Spa at Jordan Valley. It is one of the most beautiful resort I have been. Suddenly I forgot that I was in the Middle East. In the resort, we have guest wearing bikini, sunbathing and floating in the sea. I will get to how beautiful the resort is later cause there is something more important about Jordan Valley that I cannot wait to tell, the Dead Sea.

Some very important facts about Dead Sea that makes it one of the most interesting place to visit.

  1. It is the lowest point on the surface of the earth (422 metres below sea level)
  2. It is the world’s saltiest body of water with 33.7% salinity
  3. Nothing alive can survive in this place, hence the name
  4. Due to how saturated the sea water is, you can just float on the sea without effort. Look at me performing miracle!
By far one of the most silliest act I have ever done in public is applying mud on my face and all over my body! OK, everybody else did that except my hubby otherwise I wouldn't have the chance to even have this picture taken. So why did we do this? Dead Sea Mud is rich with 35 minerals that is supposedly good for the skin. This mud is collected from certain spot at the Dead Sea beach, add in some fragrance and sell all over the world at high prices. So since I can get it the totally organic version and free at that, not going to pass that am I?
Oh yes, the sunset view at Dead Sea is absolutely to die for. It is the most beautiful sunset I've ever witnessed. Beats Bali, beats Angkor Wat ... way way hands down.

And I get to watch the sunset while soaking in the jacuzzi. Hmmmm, life can never get better than this. OK, just ignore my sun burnt face and just look at the beautiful skyline.

I have one of the best night sleep in this hotel in the entire Jordan trip ... zzzzzzz.

The next morning, we wake up and have one of the best breakfast experience. You see, having breakfast in this resort is just superbly pleasant ... early morning cool breeze, bird chirping, freshly baked pastries … ahhh, if only every morning's breakfast can be this nice.

After breakfast, I roamed around the resort and beach for the last time before checking out. This is some of my amateur attempt to shot how beautiful the resort is.

The pool side
Table for two
Garden of Eden ... well almost
Waterfall landscape
While walking down the beach, I took the chance to shoot this signage. This is not the lowest point yet.

View of the Dead Sea in the morning when the sun is shining from the east. Notice we can see the other side of the sea, where Israel is. This is one big oasis, yes?

This place is one of the most memorable and beautiful place I've ever been. I shall come back one day.

Location : Jordan Valley, Jordan
Next, Where Moses saw the promised land