Friday 25 June 2010

Petra, the ancient Red Rose City

Petra ... ahhh ... how do I even begin to describe this place. OK, maybe I should start by saying that I took a total of 197 pictures during my 7 hours stay here. That means a picture was taken every 2 minutes for 7 hours. For the ruin enthusiast, this place is a 'Must Come'. This is the place where you will experience the "WOW", the "OMG", the "WTF" or whatever jaw dropping superlatives you can come out with.

OK, so we reached Petra the night before and checked into Movenpick Nabateans near Petra city. Just a picture to show how Arabic the hotel is, very nice. Anyway, the next morning, we had an early breakfast to make sure we have a full day to spend in Petra. Normally, you need 2 to 3 days to fully explore the ruin, but we only have one day.

From a designated entrance to Petra, all vehicles are prohibited except for donkeys and camels. And for adventurous people like us, our pair of legs would be it. So let the journey began.

The ancient city of Petra was build more than 2000 years ago. Evidence suggests that settlements had begun in and around Petra in the 18th dynasty of Egypt (1550-1292 BCE). Behind me is the Obelisk Tomb located just outside of Petra City.

The attraction of Petra City actually begins even before you reached the city. The entrance or route leading to the city is a 2 kilometre long 'siq'. Siq means narrow pathway and this narrow pathway is surrounded by mountains as high like one hundred feet on both side. What a beautiful experience to walk thru it.

This picture doesn't do justice how beautiful the actual scene is.

You know I'm not exactly the most athletic sort of girl but the 2km walk seem like a breeze because the experience to walk through it is just indescribable. At the end of the 2km long siq, suddenly this appears.

The first thing that greeted us right at the entrance to Petra ancient city is the Al-Khazneh. This is where the Indiana Jones and the last crusade’s scene was shot. Absolutely stunning as the suddenly open area provided a bright view of the structure. I was actually standing at this very spot for full 5 minutes just to absorb what I'm looking at. Can you imagine someone travelling to this city 2500 years ago and get to see this view? Absolutely is a "Wonder of the World".

Al-Khazneh also known as Treasury is one of the most significant structure or monument in Petra. Built in 100BC, or should I say, carved into the mountain in 100BC, this structure is about 40metres high and is believed to hold treasures from the ancient pharaohs. The tiny human at the main entrance clearly shows how majestic this structure is.

Pictures speak a thousand words. These are some of the view of the ancient city, how the Nabateans lives over 2000 years ago. The whole city is carved into the mountain!

Of course, there is a considerable amount of tombs that was identify. Without tombs, how can an ancient city be complete right? Afterall, a lot of ancient ruins that survives until now is mostly the tombs, build to commemorate the great rulers.

Silk Tomb
Uneishu Tomb
Urn Tomb
Conrinthian Tomb
And then, there is the Tomb Raider! OK, I'm standing in front of the Urn Tomb. Can you see the tiny little black dots behind me. Yeah, those are humans on the main street. This is how high the Urn Tomb is.

In 106 AD, Petra falls into the hands of Roman. During the Roman time, some of the structures were built and it clearly shows the influence of Roman architectures.

Byzantine Church
Monumental Gate
Qasr Al-Bint (Palace of the Pharoah's daughter)

OK, what we’re about to do next … lets just say not every tourist in Petra attempts to. This is because normally the tourist are very tight in schedule and probably some are old. We are about to hike for 1 hour to see a very important monuments called Al-Deir. I have no idea what it is but I just have to go.

Some of the things I get to see while climbing up hill. Reminds me of the Flinestones ... Yabadaba Dooooo!

The 1 hour hike is rewarded with a really breathtaking view of the rocky mountains of Petra. No word could describe nor picture that could show exactly how beautiful it is … God’s creation!

Still climbing ... gosh, gotta take a picture here.

YES, we are finally there!

How should I describe it … firstly let me explain that this is not build. No stones or bricks or cranes to build this. It is CARVED INTO THE MOUNTAIN. Secondly it is so so so huge … see next picture …

Can you spot the tiny minuscule human being on the left hand side of the door? What can I say, I just stand there, look at this man-made marvel with jaws dropped the entire time and just … WOWWWW!

OK, you know I'll probably only come here once in my lifetime, so I gotta just pose and pose and pose.

After spending about 30 minutes here, we hike back down with an experience we will never forget in this lifetime

As I was walking back to the main street, I came upon this view which looks so much like the City of Kings in LOTR … nothingness and then a city from afar … ahhh … so beautiful.
[Palace Tomb, Corinthian Tomb, Silk Tomb, Urn Tomb]

The evening light makes Petra seems like glittering in gold. So beautiful!

Before I left, I couldn't help but capture more pictures of Al-Khazneh. It is even more beautiful now then it is in the morning because the evening sun has turned the entire place to 'red rose city'.

My last glimpse of Petra before I leave. This is Al Khazneh in all its glory in the evening sunlight … slowly disappearing behind the siq. "Aesthetically, there is perhaps no more beautiful site in the world." (National Geographic Traveller)

Location : Petra, Jordan
Next, The Crusader's castle