Friday 6 April 2012


You know, every Asians whether they have been to Paris or not know this name - Champs-Élysées. The reason is that Asians are just Louis Vuitton fanatic lots. Some actually don't eat for months just to own a piece of Louis Vuitton. And all Asians know the mothership of Louis Vuitton is located in Champs-Élysées. So, we know this place.

Me, I came to Champs-Élysées for 2 reasons. One, to buy something, anything from the Louis Vuitton outlet in Paris. Two, to take a picture at Arc de Triomphe.

Anyway, when I got out of the Metro Station at Champs-Elysees and walked to the street level, I immediately fell in love with this place. It just smells of everything rich and luxury. The entire road / boulevard which they called Avenue des Champs-Élysées is actually rather long but it is so wide that it exudes class even as a road. 

Apparently the price of the real estate here is one of the highest in the world. So obviously, the avenue is lined up with only expensive luxury labels, high-end overpriced cafes and five star hotels.

Louis Vuitton
And so I bought some LV pieces from Paris!

At the end of Avenue des Champs-Élysées lies the Arc de Triomphe. Arc de Triomphe is easily the second most recognisable monuments of Paris or France. All this while, I kept thinking that it is just a small archway in the city. Little did I know that it is actually a very huge structure.

Arc de Triomphe
And guess what, all roads leads to this arch. When you climb up to the arch, you'll realised that at least 8 to 12 roads or boulevards stops at the roundabout at this arch. How cool is that? It is definitely a well planned out structure that leads the city to this historical monument.

And monument it is. You see, this arch came about during the 1800s when Napolean told his victorious armies that "you shall go home beneath triumphal arches".  Unfortunately Napolean did not live to see this monument completed nor did the armies get to march home underneath it.

It was only completed a good 30 years later. Now it is being used as customary point for celebrations and parades. And something that I only found out while I was there, we get to climb to the top of the arch. Not gonna pass that, am I?

Right below the arch
From the top of Arc de Triomphe
Look how the buildings ended in a semi circular shape around this arch. Amazing!
Overlooking Avenue des Champs-Elysees
Overlooking Montparnasse
Overlooking Eiffel Tower
Look-out guide. How perfectly allign is that?
Overlooking La Defense
Me, at the top of Arc de Triomphe with Eiffel Tower at the background.
Totally Paris!

Location : Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Paris, France