Friday 14 June 2013

Lost World of Tambun

We KLites are funny lot. I live 15mins away from the Sunway Lagoon Themepark and I passed by the place everyday fetching my son to school, but the last time I've been there is like 15 years ago when it first open its door and I was actually doing an internship for an advertising firm having a major launch there. So in short I'm actually working and not playing. And then I've never been back since. However, we took the trouble to drive 2 hours to another state to visit the Lost World of Tambun themepark by the very same company and they actually called this the lil' brother of Sunway Lagoon. Aren't we funny and weird?

So anyway, the Lost World of Tambun is located in the state of Perak in a small town called Tambun. Let's get to how we can spend a day in  this themepark.

The Petting Zoo

This is one experience that you should try. Having a rare species of turkey / bird / peacock (not sure which one) sits on your arms (mighty heavy) and feed her.

And admiring the beauty of these birds (macaw species). So beautiful!

Or do the simplest form of 'Longkang Fishing' as we called it. The kids love it. When we were young, we used to do this in the drain for free, but kids nowadays have to pay to go inside a themepark and do the same in a make believe drain (more beautiful of course). 

Note : Drain (Longkang) in Malaysia is unlike drains in other parts of the world. We have the so called "Monsoon Drain" that could measure as big as a small river because of our heavy rainfall. In fact when you drop into a monsoon drain, you're not likely able to climb out without help.

Yes, feeding swans from your hand.

They also have the Tiger Feeding show but I think it is rather dissapointing as the viewing deck is too small to accommodate everyone and so you don't really get to see much if you're late. Otherwise, it is just tiger jumping at some meat being thrown at them. 

They also have an array of small animals for petting like rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, and even snakes you have no phobia of them. So it is fun for the kids.

After the petting zoo, I've put my camera in the locker as I'll be a wet from the splashing and swimming in the pool, surf beach (man-made); I think you get the drift.

What's interesting is that after the theme park is close at 6pm, they open the Hot Spring & Spa and it goes all the way until 10pm. Boy that was a wonderful way of ending the day.

Highly recommended for a one-day getaway trip for the family. 

Location : Tambun, Malaysia
Date of travel : May 2013