Friday 22 April 2011

Crispy cool Cameron Highland

You know, when you're actually living in the country and travelling in the same country, it is very difficult to feel like you're travelling and seeing something new and have something to talk about and rave about and excited about. It always as though you need to have a stamp on your passport to verify that you're in fact travelling and going to experience something new.

I guess that is the reason why Genting Highland and Cameron Highland in Malaysia are regarded highly as a vacation spot among our fellow countrymen. No, we do not need to stamp our passport to come here but both these two places are located on mountain top and offers a cool weather like 20-ish degrees on day time which is highly unlikely in a tropical country unless we have torrential rain fall for 10 hours or something. Some locals even prep up themselves as though they are going to a winter wonderland ... lame, yes I know.

While I was working in the hospitality line, part of my job is to organised press tour and bring groups and groups of journalist to our resort at various places in the country. During these press tours, I also need to churn out programmes as though I'm working for Ministry of Tourism in Malaysia. Its hard but somehow it seems easier when it comes to Cameron Highland.

So here are the top 10 experiences in Cameron Highland and don't mind doing it over and over again.

1. I love to go to the farmers market and buy the freshest vegetables, the sweetest strawberries or the cheapest flowers I can ever find in the whole country.

2. Somehow, steam boat tastes the best in Cameron Highlands. Maybe because its cool weather makes the boiling hot meal simply yummy.

3. I'm not like a flower freak or anything but I just can't help being sentimental when I'm here with all the flowers blooming in rainbow colours for you to touch and smell and see.

4. As Malaysians we don't walk but I can walk around the highland and walk as I've never walk before and never really sweat!
5. I've seen fishes but the Koi fishes seems to be more beautiful and vibrant and peaceful.

6. Sometimes, I actually thought I'm in another country with most of the surrounding building in Tudor style not to mention coupled with the cool breeze constantly sweeping my face. The Ye Olde Smokehouse in Cameron Highland is like an icon of Cameron Highland. If you are not staying here, at least come here for an afternoon tea of scone and tea. 7. I can pose and pose and have my pictures taken because this place is just very scenic and beautiful.
8. I don't fancy cactus, in fact I thought they are very ugly but in Cameron's Cactus Valley, I can't help but be amazed with so many types of cactuses that I've never seen before.
9. We have a very reputable tea plantation here. Although the idea is to have the experience of sipping the tea right here at the plantation in the highland, I'm always more interested to run in the tea plantation itself and get myself lost in the acres and acres of greens!

10. If you are lucky, you might get to meet some of our aborigines right here, showcasing their art of hunting!

Location : Cameron Highland, Peninsular Malaysia

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