Saturday 30 October 2010

Rainforest Kidzworld

OK to end this series of blog on Singapore Zoo, let's just say its a really fun place for kids. I mean afterall, unless you're a kid or bringing a kid, high chance you will not just decide to visit a zoo right?

So they have created a place called Rainforest Kidzworld just to add a cherry on top of the cream.

They have this Waterplay area. Although I have heard about this area and how much the kids love it, I didn't bring any swimsuit or change of clothes for Bryan. So, I promised him the next time we do come to Singapore Zoo again, I will let him play here (not really a lie right?)

In Kidz World, they have all the little animals here that the children can pet and touch like this little lamb.

Or ride a pony. Actually kind of cute but we don't have any time left.

And Bryan also did not complaint because he really wanted to ride the boat. Look how happy he is at the jetty heading to the boat.

OK, so this boring 15 mins boat ride is on the Seletar Reservoir in Singapore (OK this is the first, not on a river, or lake or ocean but on a reservoir). Boring but serenely beautiful and calming after all the walking. A great way to end the day at the zoo.

As a token for the kids, here's an elephant mask for their remembrance. If you plan to visit the Singapore Zoo for only a day, make sure you start really early, otherwise, it is not possible to cover them all.

Location : Singapore
Date of travel : Jan 2010

Monday 25 October 2010

Rainforest Fights Back & Splash Safari

Another outstanding attraction in the Singapore Zoo is the animal presentations or shows as part of the zoo experience here. So, instead of the mundane walking around looking at animals, there are 3 different shows that you can watch at stipulated show time. I only managed to catch 2 shows during my visit here.

The first show that I catched is the Rainforest Fights Back (sounds almost like Empire Strikes Back ... hmmmm).

It is located at the Shaw Foundation Amphitheatre. The concept / story of the 30 mins show is about humans cutting down trees and spoiling the habitat and homes of the animals and how the forest should maintain its balance ... you know the rest.

I think other than the 'not so professional' performance by the human actors, what thrills me is more the animal actors. They have birds flying on top of you, monkey and squirrels performing wire walking right around the amphitheatre.

So you feel like you're in the show itself. Not a very spectacular show but provides a good break from the normal zoo experience.

The Splash Safari Show on the other hand is a little bit more fun. Located at the Splash Amphitheatre, it is a lot smaller than the Shaw Amphitheatre. The only set back is that a lot of the spectators do not get a chance to sit and have to stand around the stairways and nearing the aquarium to catch the show.
What you get to see is of course the 'wet' animals such as the penguins, the manatees and of course the star, the sea-lion. There is also the pelican but I don't get what they are trying to do.
Here are some videos to show the highlights of the show.

The Caribbean manatees which couldn't do much but just awesome to see such big swimming mammals

The Californian sea lion is of course the star of the show

The sea lion show reminds me so much about SeaWorld in Gold Coast

Location : Singapore

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Australian Outback vs Wild Africa

Ok, in every greatness there is bound to be some weaknesses. The Australian Outback in Singapore Zoo clearly demonstrates this. My son could have count all the animals there using his fingers. There are kangaroo and wallaby (which looks exactly the same) and the emu. So, we have to resort in taking pictures like this.

or this
I remember in DreamWorld in Australia, they allowed visitors to just go free range with the kangaroo and stroke them all you want because they are actually pretty friendly. Well, just a suggestion here.
In the Wild Africa session, things are looking slightly better.

There is the wild rhino which is always features in story books, so now my son knows it exist.

I'm not sure what this peacock is doing here, is it from Africa? Anyway, it is very rare the peacock flaunts itself full frontal at me, so I of course took its picture.

This is the Nyala, kind of interesting looking deer I think.

This is the Ghu, black,beastly and angry looking animal.

And of course Zebra.

And finally still my favourite animal in the zoo, the giraffe. Tall and thin, towering above all the rest of the animals.

And by paying $5, my son gets to feed them too. Totally worth it, he's been talking about it until now.

I think the giraffe is also going to be my son's favourite animal in the zoo!

Location : Singapore

Friday 15 October 2010

Cat Country

OK, let's meet the cat family.

You probably see this range of animals in most zoos in this region. The only difference Singapore Zoo got to be that some of these wild cats are in glass enclosures. So if the animal do come very close to the glass, you can practically kiss them thru the glass!

This is the jaguar right?

And this is the cheetah? Sorry, sometimes I got confused with them cause the spots looks the same to me. But this cheetah do look more sleek and athletic to me.

Yup, a lion is a lion. The only thing is that there is actually no glass or cage between us but I have no idea why she decided to just lie there not bother by us standing maybe only about 50 feets away. Hmmmm, think they overfeed her so she is so full she can hardly stand?

As the name suggest, let's go meet the tiger

Not just any ordinary tiger, but the beautiful Bengal Tiger

OK, maybe he should be afraid instead of us, in case there's a Cruella-de-ville lurking around ready to take him down and skin him off those obscenely beautiful fur.

Location : Singapore

Sunday 10 October 2010

Great Rift Valley of Ethiopia

This is yet another impressive exhibit at the Singapore Zoo, in fact one of the best in my opinion.

As the name suggests, it is a replica of the Great Rift Valley in Ethiopia. This 8,000 square metres area is build to resembles the natural habitat for the Hamadryas Baboons.

Look at the entrance into the great rift valley. Simply dramatic and real. In fact, in this area, there are also replicas of the huts and villages in Ethiopia that gives you the feeling like you're in Ethiopia itself except for all the visitors busy posing for photos.

OK, so how successful exactly is this major habitat replica for a species known as Hamadryas Baboons? Look at pictures below.

There are close to 90 of these baboons in this valley! Yes 90 of them. In fact it is scary to see so up close of so many of them. The valley was sort of design to be block by stones and we need to steal a peek at them through the valley stones. This is just so bloody impressive.

Something rather distinct about the Hamadryas Baboons that is worth mentioning is that their bum is really red. In fact, females in heat and the dominant males have the reddest bum. When they show off their bums it means "I'm the boss" for the male and "Let's mate" for the female. This is rather funny don't you think.

Valley of the baboons!
This is a Banded Mongooes who also resides in this Great Rift Valley.

Location : Singapore
Next, Cat Country

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Primate Kingdom

In the next few blogs, I'm gonna show the Singapore Zoo according to its section / attractions. First stop is the Primate Kingdom. As mentioned, gone are the old concept of zoo where monkey are put in cages.

The primates are everywhere, you gotta look on top of your head at trees or in some of the bushes around you.

The primate kingdom is design as a collection of small moated islands, perched on a gentle slope with moats around. Simply beautiful.

There is one specific area which is called the free ranging orang utan. You see them hanging and swinging from tree tops to tree tops. It's really quite funny to see.

Here are some of the species which I managed to captured in the Primate Kingdom, some of which I have also seen for the first time.

Proboscis Monkey
Cotton-top Tamarin
Capuchin Monkey
Colobus Monkey
Orang Utan
To give an idea how big the orang utan's palm is vs my son's

Behind Bryan, the spider monkey. This is as near as my son dares to go.

Location : Singapore

Friday 1 October 2010

The best rainforest zoo

I have a confession to make. The last time I visited a zoo was decades ago, basically I'm about my son age then. I have been to the zoo a couple of times of course but my memory of the zoo apart from being amazed at how tall the giraffe was, are all the bad things. Like smelly poop everywhere and walking under the hot sun sweating like a pig which was why I've never been back to one all these years.

My son has turned 4 years old recently and many a times, while reading story books to him, I feel kind of bad because other than the dogs and cats which is aplenty everywhere, he has never seen most of the animals. The tiger, the hippo, the monkey or the giraffe is as alien to him as an Avatar!

Last weekend while planning my biz meeting in Singapore which happens to fall on a Friday, I thought why not make it a family short break over the weekend and bring him to the much talked about Singapore Zoo. So, here we are.
Singapore Zoo is apparently the Best Rainforest Zoo. OK, gotta say that as I bought the ticket and enter the zoo, it was nothing like I remember a zoo to be.

Firstly, it is like entering a rainforest jungle. There isn't cages and cages of poor animals being put there for exhibits. In fact I feel like we're visiting them at their natural habitat and saying hello or stealing a peek at their everyday life.

The Singapore Zoo is segmentize into many session / attractions like Primate Kingdoms, Cat Country or Australian Outback. In fact it gives me the feeling like I'm visiting a themepark and trying to covers all these attractions within the short span of time I have.

To give you an idea how huge the Singapore Zoo is ... 

here is the map

And if you're tired from walking, you can always catch the tram that circles the zoo.

It will allows you to catch a breath and enjoy the scenery in the rainforest with the beautiful sights and sound nature has to offer.

OK, among the animals that we get to see here includes:
Sun Bear
Pygmy Hippo

Location : Singapore