Friday 30 October 2009

Idyllic Oasis that is Mt Tamborine

My last day in Gold Coast was spent in Mount Tamborine. Totally different sight seeing experience compared to the buzz downtown. From Broadbeach where we stayed, it only took about an hour to drive up to Mt Tamborine.

OK, actually we took the trouble to go all the way uphill for the supposedly free wine tasting as there is quite a few wineries there. Unfortunately, we actually have to buy every glass we want to 'taste'. So nay, we passed. But since we're there, we roam around for free photo ops.

Isn't it beautiful? Who would have thought you can find this kind of lake or farm view in Gold Coast.

OK, before you pass judgement that I'm a 'cheap skate' traveller, I did spent AUD350 to buy a sculpture from one of the galleries at the Gallery Walk, a street with stretch of shops with galleries and antiques and nice little cafes to take a breather.

Taking a breather in Gallery Walk
OK, this is me looking totally exhausted at the Brisbane airport. 9 solid days exploring Gold Coast and a bit of Brisbane.

Location: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Sunday 25 October 2009

Why they called it 'Dream World'?

Yes, I'm still venturing theme parks in Gold Coast ... believe it or not? Actually, by now a little bit bored so this is gonna be my final venture of theme parks, of course my final AUD52 per head cost as well.

This theme park is called 'Dream World' ... at first I kind of wonder what does it features, I mean the Sea World or the Movie World is pretty obvious right? OK, there is nothing remotely dreamy about it. Since picture speaks louder than words, let's go to that shall we?

Stroking a kangaroo who couldn't be bothered at all
Behind me, some special birdie only found in Australia
*Yawnnnn* ... yeah, I'm too cheap skate to pay and hug one so gotta take pic of that sleeping koala bear from afar. I mean after paying AUD52, you'd think they'll at least let you carry one for photo session right, NOooooo, they make you pay again.

I am feeding a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. I am feeding a little lamb, using a milk bottle. (lame ... I know)
In case you wonder, no, it's not all a glorified zoo; DreamWorld does have some of the best rides I've ever experienced.

Take this for instance, its called the Tower of Terror!!! It measures 120 feet high. I'm in that vehicle that shoots up from a station beneath and falls down almost instantly. Actually it happens so fast, you don't have time to have a heart attack.

Or this ride, its called WipeOut. OK, I have a confession to make. I didn't take the ride. No, not because I'm a chicken, it's because I just ate one sausage bun and I didn't want to puke into that pool full of fake sharks.

Yup, I remember I was working for ¾ of the next day meeting up with two Australian consultants who bought me best seafood lunch at Coolangatta. Yup, since he insist to drive down to Brisbane again, I just went along. Yup, late shopping day is on Friday not Thursday. OK, might as well take some photos so that the trip is not all gone. Hey, we ate the best pie in Australia too right? The “Yattala” pie. If you have the chance, please try it!

Anyway, just a shot at the City Hall to mark my presence there. Bye Bye Brisbane!

Location: Gold Coast & Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Enter into the world of Movie

The Warners Brother Movie World theme park obviously requires little introduction. So I'm just gonna show some picture of what you get to see for paying AUD52 per person.

Batman and his bat mobile, cool!
Cat Woman and her whip ... whiplashhhhh
Daffy Duck and his erhhh ... duck mobile
Austin Power and his goofy dance
Poison Ivy, sexy!
There are of course plenty, plenty of rides at Movie World and the one that deserves a 'Must Try' ride is none other than the Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster. Damn freaking fun riding in the darkness and out of a sudden, the roller coaster stop and go backwards ... Arghhhhhhh!

Spooky Castle
Whatever Scooby is looking at ??!!??
OK, the Toon Town roller coaster is also quite fun and cute
Bye! I'm heading to Hogwarts!

Location: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Next, Why they called it 'Dream World'?

Thursday 15 October 2009

Come meet the Draculas ... arghhhhh!

I have read a lot about travelling guides and blog on Gold Coast but rarely do I come across people visiting, to me, is a must go restaurant. It is none other than the Dracula's Cabaret Restaurant. The receptionist at the vacation home where I stayed suggested for me to go there and passed me the number to make bookings. Whoa ... really?!? And when I confirmed my table, they charged my credit card immediately. Which means they don't give a damn in the event of that I did not turn up for whatever reason.

The Dracula Cabaret Restaurant is located between Jupiter Casino and Pacific Fair on a street named 'Hooker Boulevard' (no kidding). Anyway it is very easy to find. As we pulled into the parking lot, a fully clad 'red devil' beauty with tail and whip was directing us to park properly. Ah-ha ... a good start!

Anyway, this is me queing at the entrance
When it was my turn to go in, I realised that we are supposed to sit in a 'Ghost Train' to enter the 'Theatre of the Vampire'. Cool! Anyway, because of how scary the 'Parking attendant' and Maitre look, I was kind of scared (ok, really scared), so I closed my eyes on the entire train journey. Yeah, I know ... shame on me.

OK, I can't take much picture in the restaurant as the full fledged cabaret show was aired live to a tv network in Australia. So, they didn't want the flash affecting the live show. Anyway, it was really really cool. Every single waiters looks like a vampired or scary ghost.

Above is my pick of favourite waitress, a scary little blonde ghost.

And since we can't take much picture, we just do what most tourist did, that is to buy this damn picture from them.

Anyway, it's a hell of lot of fun and nightmare induced too. Not recommended for kids though.

Location: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Next, Enter into the world of Movie

Saturday 10 October 2009

Sea World in Gold Coast

See, part of the reason why Gold Coast is on my must travel list is because I am a theme park lover. And to have like 5 theme parks smack right in the same town has definitely make Gold Coast a 'happiest town on earth'.

Anyway, I officially began my theme park adventure with Sea World. We do all the tourist thingie.

like sat in a train that goes around the Sea World

or try taking picture with the Pelican … where is the Pelican?

We also climbed up the so called “Captain Cook” Ship, the ocean seems real eh?

The highlights of Sea World - the Sea Lion show. OK, it’s pretty cute and smart

And the dolphin show too. Look the dolphin is flying!

But I still prefer their 4D show … totally awesome!

"Must do this, must do this … take picture at the entrance.” OK, since you insist!

Location: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Monday 5 October 2009

Gold Coast ... I've arrived!

And so the much awaited trip begins, at Gold Coast, my “must travel” destination.

We arrived at the Brisbane airport in the evening after a long 8 hour flight. We got a rented car and proceed to drive to Gold Coast, or so we thought. One hour later we found ourselves in Sunshine Coast! That meant we are exactly two hours away from Gold Coast, WTF! Need not say more, there is no places visited because we arrived at the resort way way too late. Only consolation is that I ate my first Australian pie at a gas station.

The next day, we slept late and decided to roam around Surfers Paradise. We landed at the first tourist spot – The Ripley’s Museum (tourist spot simply means there is entrance fee involves) and we took pictures with ...

The most tallest man on earth (OK, just the statue)
The fattest man on earth
OK, there's a lot more stuff in Ripley's Museum, you know the freaky weird stuff so I didn't want to show here in case you're weak hearted.

As it is Friday, the once a week Surfers’ Paradise Flea market is in action too.

Souvenirs time! Must buy for the sisterhood back home
The next day, we went shopping at Harbours Town factory outlet. Got myself my 1st tube. Everyone is wearing it, and I mean everyone including the fat one. Nike shoe is only AU$50. Cheap?

On Saturday, we drove down to Brisbane. It’s about an hour drive from Gold Coast. Fantastic highway with no toll. Don’t miss Malaysia much yet. At Brisbane, we visited the much talk about harbour. Beautiful Sight. Sorry, my camera doesn't work at night.

And thru my hubby’s excellent sense of direction, we also landed at the Queen’s Street Mall, the longest street mall in Brisbane. Got nothing cause everything closes at 5pm. OK OK we did managed to eat some Vietnamese food that is expensive and SUCKS!

The fun started later. What else, my hubby the couch potato catching up on the much missed Australian TV shows during his Monash days and me getting drunk on reasonable cheap wines. CHEERS!

Location: Gold Coast & Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Next, Sea World in Gold Coast

Thursday 1 October 2009

Arthur's Day Firework Display

OK, OK, I went there to rocked with BEP obviously. But since everyone has been posting pictures and videos of BEP, this will be something different. It was a 3-minutes firework display at the end of the show.

See, I have always been fascinated with fireworks. The colourful display up in the sky and the loud boom every time it explodes just makes me feel like being a child again. Jumping, squealing and grinning all along to the displays that can only describes celebration and happiness.

p/s If any of the organiser or know someone who organised the Arthurs Day in KL is reading this, please for pete's sake tell that Joe guy he is really really bad. I almost thought of leaving the concert when he kept rapping and rapping away.