Friday 5 February 2010

Pay up your protection fee or else ...

Is it just me or does anyone else also feels the same about the sad state of KL's security and 'road blocking' condition?

My son's preschool is located in the so-called 'gated' community in Puchong. Last year, there was no problem getting in and out because the security guards can recognised us as we pass thru the gates 4 times a day, maybe even more than the residents staying there. This year, because there was a break-in in one of the house there, they were pressured by the RA to collect details of every car entering the so called 'gated' area. Now, this is not funny because we're talking about 200 cars in the morning and what's worst, I have to give my details 2 times a day!

Firstly, this so called 'gated' community is not supposed to be gated. How can you claim it is 'private' and block the road when a freaking Mega Kindergarten with 200+ student is located? So is the 'gated' even legal? Secondly, does the security guard even have the right to ask for my licence to write the details? Talking about the security guards, some of them are so old, they can hardly hear me talk, are we so naive to think they will risk their life to save our house from being rob?

WTF is the government doing about this? Why are we paying road tax or whatever f**king tax when I can't drive freely in public roads? What is the f**king useless police force doing not maintaining peace and order?

I visit my parents house in Kepong every week and the 700+ houses also combine force to block the entrance and exit of the road leading to this area. As I passed thru the entrance, there was a big Sign Board (yes, Sign Board) with a picture of a thief masked holding a knife and get this, the tagline ... "Do you want to live and sleep in peace?". I can't help but wonder if we are back to the 'Shanghai Beach' era where we are force to pay up 'protection' fee on monthly basis or else ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, we're living in a F**king Security Guards State!