Monday 15 February 2010

Gunung Tangkuban Parahu

The next day, we sort of have a day off to call ourselves tourist in Bandung. Pak Afie has got to be the most hospitable and kind person in Bandung. He actually took the day off to bring us to Lembang, about 30 mins from Bandung town.

First stop is a farm that offers variety of drinks from fresh milk, and I mean FRESH FROM THE COW. You can practically milk the cow on the spot. Erhhh, we didn’t in case we hurt the cow or something. Hehehe! They then mix it with chocolate or strawberry or whatever you want. OK, we tried and didn’t get diarhrea the next day. Miracle! The last time I was in Jakarta, I was so down with diarrhea I took a whole strip of lomotil.

From the cow farm, we head to Gunung Tangkuban Parahu, a named given due to the shape of the mountain that looks like a capsized boat as explained by Pak Afie on the drive up. The drive up the summit took another 45 minutes and I still have no idea what it is until we reach there. It’s an active volcano!!!

Picture from the summit
Can you see the steam gushing out?

In order to walk into the crater, we have to hike about 1 hour from the summit. If you know how much I have always wanted to walk to a volcano, you’ll know why I still insist I will hike down the crater even with my high heel shoes on. The last time I thought I could do so was in Bali at the Mt Kintamani but alas, it was just a stop like miles away from the actual volcano.

So I brace myself through the 1 hour hike in my high heels down. Anyway, it was worth it.

The view on the way down is just absolutely beautiful. Before I knew it, 1 hour has passed and I am standing right in the crater of an active volcano!

Look at my high heels!

So, my heels are intact and it was worth it cause it has always been that one thing I wanted to do. Everywhere steam was gushing out of the stones. I feel like I’m in the middle of a National Geographic scene!

We bought some eggs from a stall and cooked them in the volcano pond. Not that we’re going to eat it, its just want they let visitors do.

We couldn’t stay there for very long as the sulphur fumes are apparently poisoning. So, we head back to one of the nearer exit while Pak Afie’s driver fetch us from there. Ahhhhh … very unforgettable place.

Location : Bandung, Indonesia