Tuesday 20 April 2010

London Bridge or Tower Bridge

You know how I always said that I like to soak in the culture of the place that I visit? Yes, in London's case, today I'm all clad in my Burberry scarf.

Ahhh, the smell of the new wool and the warmnest it provides in the chilly weather ... feels so English already. Ok, to justify my English culture claim here, do you know that Burberry is founded in 1856 in England, thats like one and a half century ago! I mean just look at the nova check or better known as the Burberry check, you immediately feel so English. Now, that's the best way to continue on my London sight seeing journey.

Today, Moggie and Annette is gonna give us a lesson on the misinterpretation of the nursery song. Heard of "London Bridge is falling down" and the hand movement it makes to show how it fell? Let's go visit London Bridge, shall we.
Here we are, the London Bridge.
But, where is the two towers? Where?
OK, so next they bring us to the Tower Bridge
You mean this? Yeah, this is called the Tower Bridge, not London Bridge. Damn, we were taught the wrong thing since the age of 3 years old. See, this is why travelling is so important. Don't always believe what you read or are taught unless you see it with your own eyes.

The Tower Bridge, open officially in 1894, has gotta be one of the most iconic structure of London. I mean if you're not here while in London, you cannot claim that you've been to London.

The Tower Bridge over the Thames River is really a very beautiful sight. As I stand right here, looking at this beautiful structure, I feel from the core of my heart and wish to yell it out that ... YES, I'M IN LONDON!

I mean, just look at the detail of the structure, simply awesomely beautiful.

On one of the main boulevard along the Thames River is this huge telescope. If you look at the screen on the telescope, you'll see the view of a street in Manhattan in US. And it's 'live'. Which means if you wave at a guy who look into a similar telescope in Manhattan, he can see you and waves back. And so we wave and wave at each other like idiots. OK, this is no rocket science; its just a bloody google live feed, you know, nothing much different than you having a video chat with your friend in MSN or Skype ... ah-ha-ha-ha, now you know why I called us idiots. But what the heck, it makes us laugh and probabaly make the guy in Manhattan laughs too.

Yes, more posing in my Burberry scarf on a beautiful spring day in London ... ahhh, simply one of the most memorably day I have in my travelling experience.

Further on from the Tower Bridge, we head to the Tower of London. The Tower of London was build in 1078 by William the Conqueror. The primary function was a fortress, a royal palace, and a prison for high status and royal prisoners, such as the Queen Elizabeth I. It is also apparently the most haunted building in England. The famous one being ghost of Queen Anne Boleyn. Since they can named the ghost, maybe it's true?!!?

OK OK, ghost or no ghost, we didn’t went in because were too cheap skate to pay the entrance fee although of course Moggie and Annette failed to tell us that the Queen's Crown of Jewel is an exhibit inside ... what a shame we missed that.

But we didn't missed posing all around the tower.

St Paul Cathedral, right in the heart of the city, big, majestic, 17th century etc etc etc … and requires entrance fee. Can you believe it? Entrance fee to go into a church!!! Seriously, if Lady Diana did not wed here, I wouldn’t have bother to come.

Anyway this picture was taken by Moggie lying down on the floor or else couldn’t capture the whole building. Next.

Location : London, England 

Next, The Artsy Fartsy London