Monday 5 April 2010

3 Shopaholics in London

After like years of wanting to visit this capital for the world, I finally made it to London! The direct flight from KL to London took about 13 hours. My two lovely friends, Annette & Moggie has so graciously host me and my whole gang to stay in their beautiful home in south west of London. A nice and cosy home of 3 bedrooms, a nice lounge, a very beautiful kitchen and dreamlike counter dining space.

We arrived London closed to 5pm. Moggie and Annette bought us a beautiful sumptuous chinese dinner and head home to rest for what’s installed for us for the next one week.

So, the next day, Moggie has drove us all the way to Bicester Village. This is the only factory outlet shopping near London. I guess she knows that she have 2 shopaholic tourists here and of course with Annette in tow, 3 shopaholics is worth the drive there.

As picture speaks a thousand words, there I am, paying for my Burberry. A wallet, a tie for my hubby who stay home with our son and a scarf that I have always wanted ... all in £120. I also managed to finally bought a pair of Clark shoes for Bryan at £18. Not that cheap after all but well, the novelty is that I bought it in London!
After we head back from Bicester Village, we immediately went to the Bond Street. Renee and me dived in ‘Next’ for the super super adorable kids apparels. Renee bought her first MontBlanc handbag as well. Somehow our activities just keep stretching as long as the sun shines which is from 5am all the way to 9pm. Some of the London sights along the shopping excursion ...

Double decker bus
Photo ops with Mr Churchill
On our second nite in London, Moggie bought us another superb dinner at Le Petite Maison. You know this is like 'It' restaurant in London frequented by celebrities. And guess what, Claudia Schiffer is just sitting tables away! I'm not kidding. But in order not to embarrased my friends in London, I decided not to take a picture of her. Bummer.

To be honest, for the next 2 days while waiting for my brother and his friend to join us, all me and Renee did were shop and shop and shop for like 8 hours non stop. From the high street fashion Oxford St to Regent St to I can’t remember where. But we had so much shopping bags, Moggie has to bring along a travelling bag to stuff everything in. Let’s see, I have shopping bags of Next, Primark, H&M, Mark & Spencer, Boots, Austin Reed, Body Shop, Burberry and Selfridges (for my precious Dior). Did I missed out anything?

This is us so tired sitting at Piccadilly Circus waiting for Renee to continue shopping at Lilywhites. Sun is shining brightly but its like 8pm.

So far, I'm really liking London a lot!

Location : London, England
Next, Hello Madam Tussaud