Friday 25 March 2011

Welcome to KLCC

It seems that my blog has been about my travelling out of the country so far. So much so sometimes I tend to take for granted how beautiful my own country is. So for the next few weeks, I'll be blogging about some of my travellings in Malaysia to remind myself the beautiful experience I can have right at my door step.

When I travel around especially out of Asia, people asked me where I'm from. Often they thought I'm a Japanese (seems the Japanese are avid travellers) while some managed to figure out that I'm a Chinese. Then they'll ask if I'm from Hong Kong or Singapore? No, I'm a Malaysian Chinese. Malaysia? Never heard of it. Bummer!

So to start of with, welcome to Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia, my home. Well, right now I've sort of move to the suburb about 30 minutes away from the city centre but at least once in a month, I'll still be driving down to the city for dinner or shopping.

For those who thought Malaysia is a third world country and that we still stay on tree tops, we used to have the tallest tower in the world. Yes, the tallest in the world from 1998 to 2004.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Petronas Twin Tower. It is 452 metres high and located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Apart from being two of the tallest towers in the world, what makes this twin building so special is that it is built of strainless steel and glass! So in the day time, the buildings glitter in the sun. Although they have been around for more than 10 years now, each time I drove by, I still go like "WOW", it is indeed very beautiful and not to mentioned I'm bursting with pride.

Welcome to Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) and yes, we Malaysians sometimes do still stay on tree tops but in order to do that, we need to pay hundreds of dollars a day in some exotic resort located in some private tropical island and trust me, it is a rustic luxury only few can afford.

Well, I guess we get to sample the best of both worlds.

Location : Kuala Lumpur, Peninsula Malaysia

Friday 18 March 2011

The finale Disneyland HK firework

One of the most memorable thing about Disneyland is that instead of just going through the whole queuing, taking rides and take picture of cartoon characters and then go home when the park is closed, is that they have a sort of finale to the day. See if you go to Disneyland, you absolutely have to stay back for their firework because then you will get the complete Disney experience. I mean I have watched countless videos of this firework in You Tube and blogs but to be there standing in front of the castle and witness it myself doesn't take away even a bit of the awesomeness of the full 10 minutes firework display.

OK, if you have very slow internet connection and do not want to stream the video, here's some pictures taken during the firework. Totally awesome!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the "Disney in the Star' Firework Show. Enjoy!

Location : Hong Kong
Date of travel : Dec 2010

Friday 11 March 2011

Adventureland at Disney HK

By the time we have completed the Fantasyland and Tomorrowland, not to mentioned riding the Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters for 4 times, its almost evening.

Luckily I insisted that I wanted to watch The Festival of the Lion King show, othewise we probably skip this place entirely. So, we made our way to the Adventureland at about 5.30pm.

After all the fantasy and futuristic theme, I gotta say the jungle and tiki decor in this area provides a very soothing atmostphere.

I guess there is really nothing much in Adventureland unless you're interested in taking river cruise or rafts to visit this Tarzan house. We obviously do not have the time, so we just stroll around before heading to the theater.

Ok, listen and listen very carefully. You CANNOT MISS this show. You absolutely cannot miss this show. I was totally amazed at the kind of musical production they feature in a theme park.

Even my hubby who is not a fan of musical gave this a thumbs up. The acting, the dancing, the props, the stunts are just AMAZING! Although the show is also a full 30-mins showtime, it just feels like nothing. Go to Disneyland even if its just to watch this show. Totally worth it!

OK, I hope I did not violate any copyright stuff but this is a short video of The Festival of the Lion King musical that totally amazed me and everyone else in the theater. Enjoy!

Location : Hong Kong

Friday 4 March 2011

Tomorrowland at Disney HK

On normal circumstances, I would think Tomorrowland is not the favourite of the Disneyland park. But if you have a 5 year-old boy with you and his whole purpose is to meet his favourite Buzz Lightyear, then this park becomes extremely important.

So, ladies and gentlemen, this is Tomorrowland, where the whole theme of the park is for boys as the Fantasyland is for girls.

I think this Space Mountain roller coaster is probably the only ride that will raise a little eye brow for adults park goers. A friend told me that she was totally bored with Disneyland in Hong Kong because its so kiddo! Erhhh, darling, the Disneyland is for kids ... duh! So anyway, if you're gonna die of boredom, here a little lift you up ride.

The other quite fun ride is the Autopia. Its basically electric cars that goes around a circuit. Sounds kiddo but its like the most interesting and fun electric car circuit you'll ever experience, even for adults.

I mean look at the car, its so cool!
The Obitron is also kind of really cool. First they assign you to a flying saucer with a certain number. Of course I think the whole purpose is so that the people do not have to run and trample into each other in the attempt to choose a favourite 'flying saucer' the moment the gate is open. But for a 5 year-old boy, its totally amazing to him.

Then you get on your assigned flying saucer and be ready to ...

... circle around the planets! Totally cool! This picture is taken during the ride.

Finally, finally ... the ride that I've to take for 4 TIMES, yes 4 TIMES is none other than the Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters.
OK, to start of with, my son's favourite cartoon character is not Mickey or Goofy or Pooh bear and definitely not any of the princesses. It's this space ranger called Buzz Lightyear.

Secondly, it is really quite a cool ride. I mean other than riding in a sort of train/car that moves around in the dark with space aliens and the sort, you actually are equipped with a laser gun to shoot the alien in the attempt to help Buzz Lightyear defeating the evil Emperor Zurg. And what's more, you will get points by shooting at the target range. OK, so Mommy sucks, but she's too busy taking photos or videos OK.

Couldn't help but took some video since we were in here 4 times.

And of course, what is more excited than for my son to meet Buzz Lightyear personally and have a photo taken with him. So, while my hubby is taking the ride with my son for the 2nd time, I queue up on behalf, so there you go ... he met up with Buzz Lightyear and shouted the tag line ... 'To Infinity and Beyond!"

One thing leads to another. From the ride to the greeting session to buying the toy ... Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas darling!

Location : Hong Kong